Detect and block access to and from dangerous domain names before malicious actors can weaponize them. Contact us today for more information.
Unlock integrated intelligence on Internet properties and their ownership, infrastructure, and other attributes.
Multi-Level API User Administration Now Available - Manage individual API keys for team members in your organization.
Learn More查询给定的 WHOIS 记录数据点(例如电子邮件地址、注册人姓名或公司名称)的所有域名。立即试用反向 WHOIS 查询。下载产品表了解更多信息。
反向 WHOIS 查询可以在WHOIS 记录中检索包含搜索词的所有域名。只需一条信息,就可以检索相关域名,从而获得更多关于网络犯罪调查、市场研究和威胁搜寻工作分析。
反向 WHOIS 查询调用来自 WHOIS 数据库的数据,该数据库每日更新,以保证数据的准确性和相关性。
Our WHOIS database contains more than 21.0B+ historical WHOIS records — a result of over a decade of data crawling.
用户可以选择任何 WHOIS 记录的详细信息作为搜索词收集所有相关域名。
反向 WHOIS 查询报告带有唯一的URL,可以轻松地与同事和利益相关方进行分享。
“Whois XML is one of the most important tools we use for domain intelligence in the Bachelor's Degree program in Investigation and Security Sciences at the University of Perugia. In particular, we appreciate the reverse research from IP to Domain and Whois with query filters. The tool is comprehensive, providing detailed information such as phone numbers, names, and other details from Whois records. While many Whois records are now covered by privacy regulations, WhoisXML API provides access to all historical WHOIS records.”
“WhoisXML was the game changer for us. It has revolutionized our ability to disrupt cybercrime in process and at scale by quickly identifying all of the vendors providing material support for scammers using sophisticated website templates that look legitimate. By quickly identifying the vendors unknowingly supporting the criminals, we can provide them with public interest justification to burn down the criminal infrastructure.”
“WhoisXML API is amazing for checking out the historic registration information of a domain, pivoting to locate the alternate registrations with the same details and also my cyber investigations. The data proved very useful when investigating pig butchering scams and domains that host child abuse material.”
“Very useful for investigations, we can go back in history and see when domains were registered and who owned them at a certain time.”
“WhoisXML API builds out data sets that help users correlate attack infrastructure with related IP and WHOIS information.”